What are Lower Expanders and How do They Work?
Creating Space in a Child’s Mouth Using Lower Expanders.
Has your Orthodontist recommended a Lower Expander as part of your treatment plan?
Learn about how lower quad expanders are used to create space for permanent teeth while baby teeth are still present.
What is a lower orthodontic expander?
A Lower Quad Expander is similar to its counterpart the palate expander in that it makes the dental arch wider. An upper palate expander accomplishes this by widening the bone and is a skeletal expansion. A lower expander accomplishes this by moving teeth into a wider position, making the expansion dental and not skeletal.
An expander key is not needed for lower expanders, the active springs or “arms” create the movement.
The purpose of the springs or “arms” are to gently move lower baby teeth into a wider position. By doing so, the permanent teeth will follow as they erupt ultimately making the lower arch wider. This creates space in between the bottom front teeth. Braces are then used to align crowded front teeth.
What is the ideal time to use a lower expander?
The only time a lower quad expander can be used is when baby teeth are present.
When all lower baby teeth are no longer in the mouth, the window of opportunity for using a lower expander has closed. This sometimes means that the possibility of permanent teeth needing to be removed is recommended. This is one reason why The American Association of Orthodontists recommends age 7 for an initial orthodontic exam.
The younger a child can be seen for an orthodontic exam (age 7 compared to a teenager) the more options there are for orthodontic correction.
This is an example of an upper palate expander, which fits across the roof of the mouth.
A lower quad expander fits snugly behind the bottom teeth with active springs or “arms” creating movement and dental arch width.
Wearing a lower quad expander during your Smile Journey
If your Orthodontist has recommended your child wear an upper palate expander and a lower quad expander, they will most likely start with the upper expander first and when removed, the lower quad expander is placed.
Lower expanders work with active springs, so a key is not needed to create movement.
After 4-6 months, lower quad expanders are removed. Lower braces will straighten front teeth where space was created.