Fixing an Underbite with a Facemask and How They Work
Orthodontic Facemask
Has your Orthodontist recommended a Facemask as part of your treatment plan?
Learn about how orthodontic Facemasks help correct underbites in growing children.
Orthodontic Facemasks are used to fix underbites in growing children. The younger a patient is seen, the better chance an underbite can be corrected without surgery.
Facemasks are appliances that are worn in the evening and while sleeping, for approximately 12 hours per day.
What is an Orthodontic Facemask?
A Facemask is an orthodontic appliance worn at night while you sleep to correct underbites also known as Class 3 malocclusion. Elastics attach from the facemask appliance to hooks on a fixed appliance in the mouth, usually a palate expander or a palatal bar. This appliance is only effective while patients are growing, so the younger a patient is seen by an Orthodontist, the better the chance the underbite can be corrected without surgery.
Since an underbite is often a skeletal issue, it is common to see patients as young as age 4 & 5 wearing this appliance even before permanent teeth erupt.
When is a Facemask recommended?
Facemasks are used to correct underbites (Class 3). This is when the bottom teeth are in front of the top teeth, often due to the lower jaw growing beyond the upper jaw.
The Facemask appliance helps stimulate upper jaw growth when a child is growing using traction from elastics. It does not hurt to wear but does take a few days to get used to.
Underbites, not corrected while an individual is growing, can require a surgical correction as an adult.
Facemasks attach to hooks on fixed appliances, such as palate expanders or palatal bars, with elastic bands to slowly help the top jaw grow forward to correct the underbite.
Facemasks are worn for approximately 12 hours per day in the evening and during sleep.
Wearing a Facemask during your Smile Journey
Patients will receive several packs of elastics and instructions on how to place the elastics on the facemask and connect to the fixed appliance in the mouth.
The appliance is worn approximately 12 hours a day, in the evening and during sleep.
Patients bring their facemask to appointments for adjustments as needed.
Facemasks are worn until the top jaw has grown sufficient enough to correct the underbite, potentially for 6 mos to 2 years, depending on the unique needs of the patient.